At Masaryk University your Learning Agreement is primarily signed by your departmental coordinator, and in some cases by your Erasmus coordinator too. Once your Learning Agreement has been approved by all parties and you have sent all the application documents , you will receive an acceptance letter by e-mail.


The login options available to access the Online Learning Agreement platform are the following: eduGAIN (your academic credentials) eIDAS (national ID) Google login. All three options will be accessible when clicking "login" which will lead you to the MyAcademicID platform that supports all three of the pathways and after the authentication

Här har vi samlat bilagor till kontraktet liksom andra dokument, verktyg och resurser som ni kan  with a number of partner universities, mainly in Europe, through Erasmus+ and Nordplus. To be eligible to study as an exchange student at GIH, you need to be Appropriate support for the courses is subject to agreement and availability. Innehåll. Vad är Erasmuspraktik? Behörighet; Ansökningsguide. Steg 1 - Hitta en praktikplats; Steg 2 - Upprätta ett Learning Agreement; Steg 3  You write a learning agreement together with your international coordinator.

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We need the signed Credit Approval Form in order to sign your Learning Agreement. Learning Agreement (LA) is an official Erasmus document, which sets out the programme of the studies to be followed abroad and must be approved by the student, the sending, and the receiving institution before the start of the exchange. Learning Agreement is divided into three sections: 1. Before the Mobility. The Learning Agreement is an essential Erasmus document and is required as part of the Erasmus programme. It is the contract of study agreed between the student, the UL Erasmus Academic Coordinator and the host institution.

We advise you to choose appropriate courses with your course coordinator using our course catalogue or the module handbook. As details on upcoming lectures are not available until four weeks prior to the start of the semester, you should consult the course catalogue from the previous year.

Learning Agreement. Your Learning Agreement is an important document which will be relevant before, during and after your stay abroad. With our signature on your Learning Agreement, we certify that the modules you take at your host university (listed in table A of your Learning Agreement) will be recognized at the RUB as the modules listed in table B of the Learning Agreement.

Address Country Contact person name. 5. Contact person e-mail; phone Se hela listan på Erasmus Grant contract (med endast din signatur, de andra signaturerna ordnar vi på CIM när vi handlägger ansökan) Den här blanketten ska fyllas i online i MoveOn.

Om du åker på utbytesstudier inom Europa, via Erasmus, måste du studera mellan 3-12 Dokumentet kallas för Learning Agreement och tillhandahålls av din 

Sending and Receiving Institutions undertake to apply all the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education relating to mobility for studies (or the principles agreed in the Inter-Institutional Agreement for institutions located in Partner Countries). Programme guide The Programme Guide is the key document for getting to know the Erasmus+ programme.; Distance calculator For organisations taking part in the Erasmus+ Programme, this tool calculates travel distances. Online Learning Agreement Prepare your Learning Agreement online within a few steps and share it with both home and host universities. This platform has been developed by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the European University Foundation and the Erasmus Student Network for the 21st century mobile student. Inter-Institutional Agreement.

INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES ( Erasmus+, Non-European Mobility, Santander). How to access and fill in the  If you wish to study at Masaryk University under the Erasmus+ programme, first check with your home university to see if it has an agreement with a particular  After the Learning Agreement is approved by the study department, the  20[…] GfNA-II.6-C-Annex-Erasmus+ HE Learning Agreement for studiess-2016 Sending Institution, Name, Faculty/Department, Erasmus code (if applicable)  Erasmus + Learning Agreement model · End of Erasmus stay report. Exchange programme in the framework of bilateral agreements. Exchange learning  WU does not sign this part of the Learning Agreement. For Erasmus Codes and any other information you may need, please check the following guide:  your Erasmus+ exchange. The Learning Agreement is used for the preparation of a study period abroad to ensure that students will receive full recognition in  Cookies make it easier for us to provide you with our services.
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Learning agreement erasmus

Du kommer i din ansökan att behöva bifoga ett Learning Agreement och ett  EU-programmet Erasmus+ ger studenter möjlighet att studera och praktisera i andra länder, framför allt inom Europa. Det finns möjlighet till stipendium både för  För att kunna ansöka om ett stipendium under Erasmus-programmet måste du heltid enligt den överenskomna planen, Learning Agreement for Traineeship. erasmusavtal har på grund av coronapandemin förlängd giltighet fram till och med vt 2022; Från juni 2021 ska Online Learning Agreement,  i dokumentet Learning Agreement Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies (LA) som du hittar i. Mobility Online.

Checklista för studenter på Erasmusutbyte 2016/2017. De internationella jag ska få stipendiet. fått ”Learning Agreement” underskrivet av värduniversitetet, min.
Kamprads stiftelse

Learning agreement erasmus

Erasmus Grant contract (med endast din signatur, de andra signaturerna ordnar vi på CIM när vi handlägger ansökan) Den här blanketten ska fyllas i online i MoveOn. 2. Lea rning Agreement (alla tre signaturer måste finnas på dokumentet när du laddar upp det) ERASMUS + Learning Agreement (K licka här för Erasmus ISCED codes) 3.

use mobility instruments developed under the Erasmus programme, such as the recognition of previous study periods, the learning agreement and the transcript  Både Learning Agreement och studieplanen är avtal och inom Europa och Erasmusprogrammet behöver du skicka in både ett Learning  Erasmus+ learning agreements. Folder contents. Erasmus Learning Agreement_2021_Konst, kultur och kommunikation K3.docx. docx File 87.3 KB · Last  Stipendiehandbok Erasmusstudier v?rterminen 2021. Den här Du är skyldig att ha upprättat ett Learning Agreement innan utresa/i samband med terminsstart. Erasmus+ student charter 2018 (pdf, 791.35 KB). KA107 Learning agreement for studies combined with a traineeship 2018 (docx, 82.71 KB). KA107 Guidelines  jag har blivit antagen till erasmus studier - vad händer nu?

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) headquartered in Brussels, 520+ sections, 42 countries! Digitalisation of Education - Online Learning Agreement.

Password. Login. I don't remember password send me reminder.

Fyll i Learning Agreement-formulär. Skriv ut Learning Agreement och få avtalet signerat av samtliga tre parter (för att påskynda processen går det bra att skicka dokumentet som en scannad kopia via e-post). Motiveringsbrev Erasmus Learning Agreement and Scholarship application - step by step This information applies for students going on exchange within Europe, except Switzerland.